Monday, August 31, 2009

Quotes of the Early Fathers and Christians of the Church (33AD to 750AD)

The kernel of Christianity is to be sound in faith and holy in life.

St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430AD) on Integrity and Constancy
Mini-Bio: North African; bishop, theologian, Doctor of the Church

Saints throughout the Age of the Church

God said to her: I am concealing Myself from you so that you can discover by yourself what you are without Me.

St. Margaret of Cortona (1247-1297AD) on Desolation
Mini-Bio: Italian; visionary, Franciscan tertiary, founder of the Confraternity of Our Lady of Mercy

Holy Quotes from the Popes of the Church

Christians must restore their spiritual and moral unity. It is not enough to say we are Christians. We must live as Christians. Genuine Christians derive the rule, style, and strength of their life from the Faith.

Pope Paul VI (1897-1978AD)
Mini-Bio: pope: (1963-1978) Italian; Reconvened Vatican II, and implemented many of its reforms. Became the first pope in over 150 years to leave Italy. He enlarged the college of cardinals. Reaffirmed the church's ban on contraception.

Quotes on Mary, Our Blessed Mother: a Marian Potpourri

Scripture meditation: But if anyone sins, we have an advocate with God the Father, Jesus Christ the just one. He is propitiation for our sins … and those of all the world. 1 John 2:1-2

Reflection: In heaven Mary remains always in the presence of her Divine Son. There she is continually praying on behalf of sinners.

St. Bede the Venerable (673-735AD)
Mini-Bio: English; priest, monk, scholar, Doctor of the Church
Prayer: O Mary, in accord with the will of your Divine Son, you are the Refuge of Sinners. Beg Him to forgive my past sins and help me to avoid sin in the future.

52 Practical/Scientific Reasons to go to Church...besides the obvious ones.

Reason No. 17 - Ability to Cope with Disaster

After a natural disaster, medical emergency, or other personal crisis, many people report that their faith in God helped to carry them through. Is there any scientific evidence to support this?

There is, according to an extensive review of research on sociological support groups published in Psychosomatic Medicine in 1996.

The review showed that having a religious "support group," or a relationship with clergy, fellow congregation members, or God, could have a significant impact on reducing negative stress responses to environmental or personal disasters, such as a life threatening illness or natural disaster. The study, conducted by T.E. Seeman and B.S. McEwen, showed that having a strong religious support structure had a positive influence on neuroendocrine regulation in persons experiencing high stress situations.

Source:Seeman, T.E., and B.S. McEwen, "Impact of Social Environment Characteristics on Neuroendocrine Regulation," Psychosomatic Medicine 58 (1996): 459-471.

Used with permission. All rights reserved, ACTA Publications.

Click here to download all 52 reasons to go to Church.

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Quotes of the Early Fathers and Christians of the Church (33AD to 750AD)

The kernel of Christianity is to be sound in faith and holy in life.

St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430AD) on Integrity and Constancy
Mini-Bio: North African; bishop, theologian, Doctor of the Church

Saints throughout the Age of the Church

God said to her: I am concealing Myself from you so that you can discover by yourself what you are without Me.

St. Margaret of Cortona (1247-1297AD) on Desolation
Mini-Bio: Italian; visionary, Franciscan tertiary, founder of the Confraternity of Our Lady of Mercy

Holy Quotes from the Popes of the Church

Christians must restore their spiritual and moral unity. It is not enough to say we are Christians. We must live as Christians. Genuine Christians derive the rule, style, and strength of their life from the Faith.

Pope Paul VI (1897-1978AD)
Mini-Bio: pope: (1963-1978) Italian; Reconvened Vatican II, and implemented many of its reforms. Became the first pope in over 150 years to leave Italy. He enlarged the college of cardinals. Reaffirmed the church's ban on contraception.

Quotes on Mary, Our Blessed Mother: a Marian Potpourri

Scripture meditation: But if anyone sins, we have an advocate with God the Father, Jesus Christ the just one. He is propitiation for our sins … and those of all the world. 1 John 2:1-2

Reflection: In heaven Mary remains always in the presence of her Divine Son. There she is continually praying on behalf of sinners.

St. Bede the Venerable (673-735AD)
Mini-Bio: English; priest, monk, scholar, Doctor of the Church
Prayer: O Mary, in accord with the will of your Divine Son, you are the Refuge of Sinners. Beg Him to forgive my past sins and help me to avoid sin in the future.

52 Practical/Scientific Reasons to go to Church...besides the obvious ones.

Reason No. 17 - Ability to Cope with Disaster

After a natural disaster, medical emergency, or other personal crisis, many people report that their faith in God helped to carry them through. Is there any scientific evidence to support this?

There is, according to an extensive review of research on sociological support groups published in Psychosomatic Medicine in 1996.

The review showed that having a religious "support group," or a relationship with clergy, fellow congregation members, or God, could have a significant impact on reducing negative stress responses to environmental or personal disasters, such as a life threatening illness or natural disaster. The study, conducted by T.E. Seeman and B.S. McEwen, showed that having a strong religious support structure had a positive influence on neuroendocrine regulation in persons experiencing high stress situations.

Source:Seeman, T.E., and B.S. McEwen, "Impact of Social Environment Characteristics on Neuroendocrine Regulation," Psychosomatic Medicine 58 (1996): 459-471.

Used with permission. All rights reserved, ACTA Publications.

Click here to download all 52 reasons to go to Church.

In some cases, life spans have been approximated. Feedback is appreciated.
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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Catholic Quotes

Quotes of the Early Fathers and Christians of the Church (33AD to 750AD)

Those who suffered martyrdom before baptism, having been washed in their own blood, were vivified by the Holy Spirit of God.

Didymus the Blind (313-398AD) on Baptism
Mini-Bio: Alexandrian; amassed a vast knowledge of grammar, rhetoric, logic, music, arithmetic, and geometry, and a perfect familiarity with Holy Scripture

Saints throughout the Age of the Church

A prayer of his youth while still resisting God: Give me chastity -- but not yet.

St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430AD) on Chastity
Mini-Bio: North African; bishop, theologian, Doctor of the Church

Holy Quotes from the Popes of the Church

The temptation today is to try to build a world for oneself, forgetting the Creator and His design and loving Providence. But sooner or later we must come to grips with this: That to forget God, to feign the death of God, is to promote the death of humankind and of all civilization.

Pope John Paul II (1920 - 2005AD)
Mini-Bio: pope: (1978 - 2005) Polish; The most traveled pope in history. During his papacy he has issued many letters clarifying and safeguarding the Churches teachings in moral areas. Has consecrated his papacy to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Quotes on Mary, Our Blessed Mother: a Marian Potpourri

Scripture meditation: Set me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is strong as death, and jealousy as hard as the netherworld; its flames are a blazing fire. Song of Solomon 8:6

Reflection: O Mother of love, you have given me your Heart. Now take firm possession of my heart and offer it completely to the pure love and sole glory of your beloved Son.

St. John Eudes (1601-1680AD)
Mini-Bio: French; priest, missionary, founder of seminaries and of the Congregation of Jesus and Mary (Eudists)
Prayer: O Mary, you love all your spiritual children with a never-ending love. Grant me an undying love for you and your Divine Son Jesus both in time and for all eternity.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Catholic Quotes

Quotes of the Early Fathers and Christians of the Church (33AD to 750AD)

You died and were born at the same time. The saving water became for you both a tomb and a mother.

St. Cyril of Jerusalem (315-386AD) on Baptism
Mini-Bio: Palestinian; bishop, scholar, Doctor of the Church

Saints throughout the Age of the Church

Charity is that with which no one is lost, and without which no one is saved. also The school of Christ is the school of charity. On the last day, when the general examination takes place, there will be no question at all on the text of Aristotle, the aphorisms of Hippocrates, or the paragraphs of Justinian. Charity will be the whole syllabus.

St. Robert Bellarmine (1542-1621AD) on Charity
Mini-Bio: Italian; cardinal-archbishop, Jesuit provincial, theologian, university professor, scholar, apologist, Doctor of the Church

Holy Quotes from the Popes of the Church

Science can purify religion from error and superstition. Religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes. Each can draw the other into a wider world, a world in which both can flourish.

Pope John Paul II (1920 - 2005AD)
Mini-Bio: pope: (1978 - 2005) Polish; The most traveled pope in history. During his papacy he has issued many letters clarifying and safeguarding the Churches teachings in moral areas. Has consecrated his papacy to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Quotes on Mary, Our Blessed Mother: a Marian Potpourri

Scripture meditation: Everyone who asks, receives, and the one who searches, finds; and to the one who knocks, it shall be opened. Luke 11:10

Reflection: In His eagerness to show you, mercy, God has given His Son as your Advocate. And then to make your confidence even stronger, He has given you another Advocate, who obtains through her prayers whatever she asks. Go to Mary, and you will see salvation.

St. Alphonusus Liguori (1696-1787AD)
Mini-Bio: Italian; bishop, Doctor of the Church, founder and first superior of the Redemptorists
Prayer: O Mary, God has given you to me as a most powerful Advocate. Let me call upon you in any trouble and especially in time of danger to my eternal salvation.

52 Practical/Scientific Reasons to go to Church...besides the obvious ones.

Reason No. 23 - Improved Sex Life

Going to church obviously has a positive impact on many aspects of life, from boosting your immune response to improving your social life. But can it really improve your sex life? Aren't religious women "prudish," as some stereotypes suggest?

A study entitled "Sex in America", published in 1995, showed very high sexual satisfaction among "conservative" religious women. The study was carried out at the University of Chicago and the State University of New York at Stonybrook.

The study reconfirmed another study in 1997 by C. Travis and S. Sadd, entitled The Redbook Report on Female Sexuality, which concluded that very religious women achieve greater satisfaction in sexual intercourse with their husbands than do moderately religious or non-religious women.

Source:Michael, R.Y., J.H. Gagnon, E.O. Laumann, and G. Kolata. Chapter 6 in Sex in America: A Definitive Survey. Boston: Little Brown. 1995.

Travis, C., and S. Sadd. The Redbook Report on Female Sexuality. New York: Delacorte Press. 1977.

Used with permission. All rights reserved, ACTA Publications.

Click here to download all 52 reasons to go to Church.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Holy Quotes to Enjoy!

Quotes of the Early Fathers and Christians of the Church (33AD to 750AD)

Nothing happens without God, we know this from many sources. And everyone who realizes that God is Reason, Wisdom, Perfect Goodness, and Truth -- and that He could not admit of anything that is not good and not consistent with His Truth -- everyone who realizes this will admit that God's dispensations have no element of chance and confusion … It befits us, then to acknowledge that these things happen for the best.

St. Gregory of Nyssa (330-395AD) on the Will of God
Mini-Bio: Cappadocian; bishop, theologian

Saints throughout the Age of the Church

The soul is the user, the body for use; hence the one is master, the other servant.

St. Ambrose of Milan (340-397AD) on the Body
Mini-Bio: German; bishop, Doctor of the Church

Holy Quotes from the Popes of the Church

Welcome Christ into your lives. Without the experience of this interior meeting with Christ, life can all too easily be wasted on illusory and consumerist experiences. These obviously include the suicidal experience of drugs or the egoistic one of using our neighbor and rejecting solidarity.

Pope John Paul II (1920 - 2005AD)
Mini-Bio: pope: (1978 - 2005) Polish; The most traveled pope in history. During his papacy he has issued many letters clarifying and safeguarding the Churches teachings in moral areas. Has consecrated his papacy to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Quotes on Mary, Our Blessed Mother: a Marian Potpourri

Scripture meditation: My sister, my spouse, is a garden enclosed, an enclosed garden, a fountain sealed up. Song of Solomon 4:12

Reflection: Happy are those to whom the Holy Spirit reveals the Secret of Mary in order that they may come to know her. Happy are those to whom He opens the "Enclosed Garden" that they may enter and to whom He gives access to the "Sealed Fountain" that they may drink of the living waters of grace.

St. Louis Grignion de Montfort (1673-1716AD)
Mini-Bio: French; priest, missionary, spiritual writer founder of the Daughters of Divine Wisdom and the Missionaries of the Company of Mary
Prayer: O Mary, help me to know you and be devoted to you more each day, so that I may obtain the graces God wants to bestow on me.

52 Practical/Scientific Reasons to go to Church...besides the obvious ones.

Reason No. 8 - Less Alcohol Abuse Among College Students

Alcohol abuse can be a problem for college students. Going to church does seem to have an impact on their alcohol use and abuse.

A study conducted by H. Wechsler and M. McFadden in New England and published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol is one of many studies showing the beneficial effect of religious practices with regard to alcohol use. 7,170 students at thirty-four colleges were surveyed. Attendance at church was found to be inversely proportionate to alcohol consumption.

The study suggested that students who attend church are less likely to drink heavily. The effect of church attendance on alcohol use has been demonstrated in men and women of many age groups.

Source:Wechsler H., and M. McFadden, "Drinking Among College Students in New England: Extent, Social Correlates, and Consequences of Alcohol Use," Journal of Studies on Alcohol 40, (1979): 969-996.

Used with permission. All rights reserved, ACTA Publications.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Quotes of the Early Fathers and Christians of the Church (33AD to 750AD)

It is impossible that He Who holds perfect excellence should not also possess perfect patience.

Lactantius (240-323AD) on Divine Mercy
Mini-Bio: North African; apologist, professor of rhetoric at Nicomedia , tutor to Constantine's son, poet

Saints throughout the Age of the Church

He cannot be accounted a Catholic who does not agree with the Roman Church.

Pope St Gregory VII (1021-1085AD) on being Catholic, Catholics, and Catholicism
Mini-Bio: Italian; pope, reformer

Holy Quotes from the Popes of the Church

In a world that often reduces sex to the pursuit of pleasure, and in some cases to domination, the Church has a special mission. She is to place sex in the context of conjugal love and of generous and responsible openness to parenthood.

Pope John Paul II (1920 - 2005AD)
Mini-Bio: pope: (1978 - 2005) Polish; The most traveled pope in history. During his papacy he has issued many letters clarifying and safeguarding the Churches teachings in moral areas. Has consecrated his papacy to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Quotes on Mary, Our Blessed Mother: a Marian Potpourri

Scripture meditation: I dwell in counsel and in learned thoughts. … Counsel and sound judgment are mine; mine are prudence and power. Proverbs 8:12-14

Reflection: When we dedicate ourselves to Mary, we become instruments in her hands just as she is an instrument in God's hands. Let us then be guided by her, for she will provide for the needs of body and soul and overcome all difficulties and anxieties.

St. Maximilian Kolbe (1894-1941AD)
Mini-Bio: Polish; Franciscan priest, founder of Knights of Mary Immaculate, martyr
Prayer: O Mary, in all my trials and difficulties let me have recourse to Jesus through your intercession. And when I call upon you, please comfort me and lead me to your Divine Son.

52 Practical/Scientific Reasons to go to Church...besides the obvious ones.

Reason No. 16 - Greater Resistance to Cancer

Studies indicate that going to church has a positive impact on health. Some researchers have used modern research techniques to attempt to discover how this is so.

A study presented to the American Psychological Association in 1998 showed some interesting relationships between church attendance and immune system functioning.

The researchers looked at the religious practices of 112 women with breast cancer. The average age of the women was fifty-three years, and those in the study group had metastatic breast cancer on average for two years. The researchers found that those who were highly religious or attended church often had stronger immune systems, including greater number of T-helper cells, lymphocytes, and other beneficial disease-fighting cells. They concluded that "spirituality is positively associated with immune status."

Source:Schaal, M.D., S.E. Sephton, C. Thoreson, C. Koopman, and D. Spiegel, "Religious Expression and Immune Competence in Women with Advanced Cancer." (August 1998): Paper presented at the Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Used with permission. All rights reserved, ACTA Publications.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Quotes of the Early Fathers and Christians of the Church (33AD to 750AD)

Those who know that His voice is gentle and pleasing are those who have welcomed the grace of the Gospel.

St. Gregory of Nyssa (330-395AD) on Divine Mercy
Mini-Bio: Cappadocian; bishop, theologian

Saints throughout the Age of the Church

Christian is my name, and Catholic is my surname. The one designates me, while the other manifests me for what I am. Thus am I attested and set apart... When we are called Catholics, it is by this name that our people are kept apart from any heretical name.

St. Pacianus of Barcelona (360-390AD) on being Catholic, Catholics, and Catholicism
Mini-Bio: Spanish; husband and father, bishop, famous for the clearness and spirituality of his doctrinal writings

Holy Quotes from the Popes of the Church

There is a higher wisdom: a wisdom that reveals the true meaning of our human weakness and our pain. That wisdom is revealed in Christ. He knows what it is to suffer; He experienced it on the road to Calvary.

Pope John Paul II (1920 - 2005AD)
Mini-Bio: pope: (1978 - 2005) Polish; The most traveled pope in history. During his papacy he has issued many letters clarifying and safeguarding the Churches teachings in moral areas. Has consecrated his papacy to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Quotes on Mary, Our Blessed Mother: a Marian Potpourri

Scripture meditation: Horrible is the death [an evil tongue] inflicts; the netherworld is preferable to it. It has no power over the just; they will not be burned in its flames. Sirach 28:21-22

Reflection: Mary's words were discreet, and her voice was measured. She did not shout and she was careful not to say anything bad about another person -- nor even to listen willingly to wrong that was spoken.

St. Athanasius of Alexandria (297-373AD)
Mini-Bio: Egyptian; bishop, theologian, Doctor of the Church

Prayer: O Mary, you are the Model of Right Speech. Help me to avoid idle gossip as well as intemperate words. Let me make use of right speech to communicate with and help others rather than confuse and hurt them.

52 Practical/Scientific Reasons to go to Church...besides the obvious ones.

Reason No. 14 - Higher Self-Esteem Among Teens

There is evidence to show that teens that have grown up attending church tend to have a better self-image than those without religious commitment.

The Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion published a study by C.B. Smith, A.J. Weigert, and D.L. Thomas in 1979 on this subject.

The analysis of nearly 2,000 Catholic "middle class" adolescents from five cultures in Europe and North America showed strong evidence for a "positive relationship between adolescent self-esteem and total religiosity." The study measured religious beliefs and practices, including church attendance.

Source:Smith, C.B., A.J. Weigert, and D.L. Thomas, "Self-Esteem and Religiosity: An Analysis of Catholic Adolescents from Five Cultures,” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 18 (1979): 51-60.

Used with permission. All rights reserved, ACTA Publications.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Quotes of the Early Fathers and Christians of the Church (33AD to 750AD)

It was impossible for man to come to know God's ways by his own efforts. But God did not leave man to err in search of the light of wisdom, wandering through inescapable darkness with nothing to show for his labor. At last He opened his eyes, and made the investigation of the truth His own gift, so that He might show the nothingness of human wisdom, and point out to man, who was wandering in error, the way of obtaining immortality.

Lactantius (240-323AD) on Grace
Mini-Bio: North African; apologist, professor of rhetoric at Nicomedia , tutor to Constantine's son, poet

Saints throughout the Age of the Church

We can't have full knowledge all at once. We must start by believing; then afterwards we may be led on to master the evidence for ourselves.

St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274AD) on Belief
Mini-Bio: Italian; Dominican philosopher, theologian, mystic, hymnist, Doctor of the Church

Holy Quotes from the Popes of the Church

Jesus is the joy of the earth; He is the physician of every human infirmity. He is personified in every person who suffers, arousing compassion and generous love. Jesus, therefore, is present always and everywhere.

Pope Paul VI (1897-1978AD)
Mini-Bio: pope: (1963-1978) Italian; Reconvened Vatican II, and implemented many of its reforms. Became the first pope in over 150 years to leave Italy. He enlarged the college of cardinals. Reaffirmed the church's ban on contraception.

Quotes on Mary, Our Blessed Mother: a Marian Potpourri

Scripture meditation: Behold, the virgin will be with child and will bring forth a son, and they will call his name Emmanuel, which means "God with us." Matthew 1:23

Reflection: The Virgin Mother gave birth from her fruitful womb and inviolate body to Him Who became visible for us, to Him by Whom she had been created. While conceiving, she was a virgin; a virgin in her pregnancy; a virgin while carrying her son; a virgin forever!

St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430AD)
Mini-Bio: North African; bishop, theologian, Doctor of the Church

Prayer: O Mary, grant me the grace to prize the virtue of purity highly and practice it sedulously. Help me always to put my trust in you and find refuge in your motherly intercession.

52 Practical/Scientific Reasons to go to Church...besides the obvious ones.

Reason No. 3 - Happier Marriages

Can going to church improve your marriage? There is considerable evidence for this.

Take for example, one study published in the Review of Religious Research in 1990. The study was conducted by M.G. Dudley and F.A. Kosinski. They tested 228 married Bible Christian couples for private religious practice (personal and family prayer, Bible reading), intrinsic religiosity (how the person feels about religion), and religious practice (going to church, witnessing, financial support). After controlling for a number of variants, the best predictor of happy marriage was found to be consistent religious practice -- including attending church and personal and family devotion. This study is one of many that corroborate these findings across many faiths.

Source:Dudley, M.G., and F.A. Kosinski, "Religiosity and Marital Satisfaction: A Research Note," Review of Religious Research 32 (1990): 78-86.

Used with permission. All rights reserved, ACTA Publications.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Quotes of the Early Fathers and Christians of the Church (33AD to 750AD)

You have no reason to grieve for ill success. Perhaps it has seemed
good to God to make my race course longer, so that my crown may be

St. John Chrysostom (347-407AD) on the Will of God

Mini-Bio: Syrian; archbishop, Doctor of the Church

Saints throughout the Age of the Church

Don't ask me to give in to this body of mine. I can't afford it. Between me and my body there must be a struggle until death.

St. Margaret of Cortona (1247-1297AD) on the Body

Mini-Bio: Italian; visionary, Franciscan tertiary, founder of the Confraternity of Our Lady of Mercy

Holy Quotes from the Popes of the Church

Nobody is a Christian for oneself alone. The gift of faith is
given to us so that by word and example we may become witnesses before

Pope John Paul II (1920 - 2005AD)

Mini-Bio: pope: (1978 - 2005) Polish; The most traveled pope
in history. During his papacy he has issued many letters clarifying and
safeguarding the Churches teachings in moral areas. Has consecrated his
papacy to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Quotes on Mary, Our Blessed Mother: a Marian Potpourri

Scripture meditation: Keep my commands and you shall
live; guard my teaching as the apple of your eye. Bind them on your
fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart. Proverbs 7:2-3

Reflection: Entrust your cause to her who is the
Mother of Mercy, and zealously offer her day by day most special marks
of reverence. Endeavor to maintain within both body and soul the
spotlessness of her purity, and walk in her footsteps, humbly and
gently like her.

St. Bonaventure (1221-1274AD)

Mini-Bio: Italian; cardinal-bishop, Franciscan minister general, philosopher, theologian, Doctor of the Church

Prayer: O Mary, let me be devoted to you in heart and
soul ever more and more. And help me to put that devotion into practice
daily by more closely imitating your life and virtues.

52 Practical/Scientific Reasons to go to Church...besides the obvious ones.

Reason No. 9 - Improved Self-Image

Can going to church improve your self-esteem? In 1996, M.C. Commerford
and M. Reznikoff studied residents of four 200-bed nursing homes in New
York City.

their findings was that public religious participation had a more
positive influence on how people felt about themselves in their later
years than "intrinsic religiosity" -- that is, believing oneself to be
religious but not participating in religious activities.

Source:Commerford, M.C., and M. Reznikoff, "Relationship of
Religion and Perceived Social Support to Self-Esteem and Depression in
Nursing Home Residents," Journal of Psychology 130 (1996): 35-50.

Used with permission. All rights reserved, ACTA Publications.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Quotes of the Early Fathers and Christians of the Church (33AD to 750AD)

Listen to the Savior:: I regenerated you, unhappily born by the world
to death. I set you free, I healed you, I redeemed you. I will give you
life that is unending, eternal, supernatural. I will show you the face
of God, the good Father.

St. Clement of Alexandria (150-215AD) on Salvation

Mini-Bio: Greek; theologian, head of the Catechetical School at Alexandria, Egypt

Saints throughout the Age of the Church

The Lord was baptized, not to be cleansed Himself, but to
cleanse the waters, so that those waters, cleansed by the flesh of
Christ which knew no sin, might have the power of baptism.

St. Ambrose of Milan (340-397AD) on Baptism

Mini-Bio: German; bishop, Doctor of the Church

Holy Quotes from the Popes of the Church

Allow the light and the healing presence of Christ to shine
brightly through your lives. In that way, all those who come in contact
with you will discover the loving kindness of God.

Pope John Paul II (1920 - 2005AD)

Mini-Bio: pope: (1978 - 2005) Polish; The most traveled pope
in history. During his papacy he has issued many letters clarifying and
safeguarding the Churches teachings in moral areas. Has consecrated his
papacy to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Quotes on Mary, Our Blessed Mother: a Marian Potpourri

Scripture meditation: Concerning mutual charity there is no need for us to write you, since you yourselves have learned from God to love each other. 1 Thessalonians 4:9

Reflection: The most powerful means we have for
drawing down the benevolence of Mary toward us is a virtue. The virtue
is love for our neighbor.

St. Gregory Nazianzen (329-389AD)

Mini-Bio: Cappadocian; archbishop, theologian, Doctor of the Church

Prayer: O Mary, you are partial toward those who
imitate your Divine Son in love for their neighbor. Teach me to love my
neighbor in the many circumstances of life, no matter what the cost.

52 Practical/Scientific Reasons to go to Church...besides the obvious ones.

Conclusion - Is going to church is good for you?

Is religion a fading phenomenon in America? Is it a relic of the past
with no future? A TV-land view of America might lead us to conclude
that religion has died out. It is true that church membership has
dropped from a high of 75 percent in 1947 to a low of 65 percent in
1988 and 1990? If this were an election, however, 65 percent would be
considered a fairly substantial majority. It must also not be
overlooked that there are still half a million churches, temples, and
mosques in the United States.

in God, contrary to what many think, has remained quite stable. The
authors of one study, entitled "Religion: The Forgotten Factor in
Cutting Youth Crime and Saving At-Risk Urban Youth," wrote:

in God remains the norm in America, with levels of belief ranging
between 94 percent and 99 percent over the past 5 decades."

the studies published in this book are interesting, but certainly they
do not constitute proof of anything. Collectively, however these and
dozens of other similar studies constitute a significant body of
evidence that going to church is good -- good for you, good for your
health, good for your marriage, good for your children, good for your
community, and good for your country. And the more you attend the
better the results seem to be. What's more, the good effects may last
for generations.

Many from time to time have wondered, "What can I do, as one person, to make this world a better place?"

Perhaps we have found one answer:

Go to church!

Source:Larson, D.B., and B.R. Johnson, "Religion: The
Forgotten Factor in Cutting Youth Crime and Saving At-Risk Urban
Youth," The Jeremiah Project: An Initiative of the Center for Civic
Innovation (1998): Report 98-2.

Used with permission. All rights reserved, ACTA Publications.

Click here to download all 52 reasons to go to Church.

In some cases, life spans have been approximated. Feedback is appreciated.
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any grammar or spelling errors I have overlooked.

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"Promoting Catholic Apologetic support groups loyal to the Magisterium"

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Quotes of the Early Fathers and Christians of the Church:

"Let it be your first care not to deceive yourself."

--St. Melito of Sardis (165-180AD) on the Search

Mini-Bio: Asian; Bishop, prominent ecclesiastical writer

"Do not wish to be anything but what you are, And try to be that perfectly."
--Saint Francis de Sales (1567-1622), French Roman Catholic preacher, Doctor of the Church.

"You cannot visit the child without visiting the mother; you cannot in common life approach a child except through the mother. If we are to think of Christ in this aspect at all, the other idea follows as it is followed in history. We must either leave Christ out of Christmas, or Christmas out of Christ, or we must admit, if only as we admit it in an old picture, that those holy heads are too near together for the haloes not to mingle and cross."
--G.K. Chesterton, The Everlasting Man
(I just like Chesterton !)

Quotes of the Early Fathers and Christians of the Church (33AD to 750AD)

You and I share the same teachers of God's mysteries and spiritual fathers, who from the beginning were the founders of your Church.

St. Basil the Great (329-379AD) on Tradition
Mini-Bio: Cappadocian; bishop, theologian, monk

Saints throughout the Age of the Church

Our weakness is such that, if the guardian angels had not been given to us, we could not resist the many and powerful attacks of the evil spirits. For this purpose, we had need of a higher nature ... That is why God has taken these spirits out from among His treasures, and has given through them an aid to human weakness, so that this divine assistance might help us against the powers of this world of darkness to attain the heritage of salvation.

St. Hilary of Poitiers (315-368AD) on Guardian Angels
Mini-Bio: French; husband, bishop, theologian, Doctor of the Church

Holy Quotes from the Popes of the Church

Once a star led the Magi to set out on their journey to the Lord. And it may be that the star has not yet appeared in the sky that you see. Nonetheless, in your soul there is that same interior light that guided the Magi.

Pope John Paul II (1920 - 2005AD)
Mini-Bio: pope: (1978 - 2005) Polish; The most traveled pope in history. During his papacy he has issued many letters clarifying and safeguarding the Churches teachings in moral areas. Has consecrated his papacy to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Quotes on Mary, Our Blessed Mother: a Marian Potpourri

Scripture meditation: You … know me, you see me, you have tested my heart. Jeremiah 12:3

Reflection: O Mary, you are the Virgin who captivates our hearts. Introduce into heavenly joy the souls who venerate your Heart.

St. John Eudes (1601-1680AD)
Mini-Bio: French; priest, missionary, founder of seminaries and of the Congregation of Jesus and Mary (Eudists)
Prayer: O Mary, you are the Queen of Hearts. Take me under your care and help me to venerate you Heart temporally on earth and eternally in heaven.

52 Practical/Scientific Reasons to go to Church...besides the obvious ones.

Reason No. 24 - Influence on Future Generations

In spite of an apparent decrease in church attendance, particularly among young people, there is evidence to show a stability of church attendance in families across generations.

A study by Arland Thornton and Donald Camburn of the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan concluded:

"These data indicate strong inter-generational transmission of religious involvement. Attendance at religious services is also very stable within generations across time."

This could indicate that our individual dedication to going to church regularly may have an impact on our posterity.

The upshot of this, for those of us who would want the benefits of going to church for our children and grandchildren, is that we must lead by example if we expect future generations to do the same.

Source:Thornton, A., and D. Camburn, "Religious Participation and Adolescent Sexual Behavior and Attitudes," Journal of Marriage and the Family 51 (1989): 641-653.

Used with permission. All rights reserved, ACTA Publications.

Click here to download all 52 reasons to go to Church.

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