Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Quotes of the Early Fathers and Christians of the Church (33AD to 750AD)

Those who know that His voice is gentle and pleasing are those who have welcomed the grace of the Gospel.

St. Gregory of Nyssa (330-395AD) on Divine Mercy
Mini-Bio: Cappadocian; bishop, theologian

Saints throughout the Age of the Church

Christian is my name, and Catholic is my surname. The one designates me, while the other manifests me for what I am. Thus am I attested and set apart... When we are called Catholics, it is by this name that our people are kept apart from any heretical name.

St. Pacianus of Barcelona (360-390AD) on being Catholic, Catholics, and Catholicism
Mini-Bio: Spanish; husband and father, bishop, famous for the clearness and spirituality of his doctrinal writings

Holy Quotes from the Popes of the Church

There is a higher wisdom: a wisdom that reveals the true meaning of our human weakness and our pain. That wisdom is revealed in Christ. He knows what it is to suffer; He experienced it on the road to Calvary.

Pope John Paul II (1920 - 2005AD)
Mini-Bio: pope: (1978 - 2005) Polish; The most traveled pope in history. During his papacy he has issued many letters clarifying and safeguarding the Churches teachings in moral areas. Has consecrated his papacy to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Quotes on Mary, Our Blessed Mother: a Marian Potpourri

Scripture meditation: Horrible is the death [an evil tongue] inflicts; the netherworld is preferable to it. It has no power over the just; they will not be burned in its flames. Sirach 28:21-22

Reflection: Mary's words were discreet, and her voice was measured. She did not shout and she was careful not to say anything bad about another person -- nor even to listen willingly to wrong that was spoken.

St. Athanasius of Alexandria (297-373AD)
Mini-Bio: Egyptian; bishop, theologian, Doctor of the Church

Prayer: O Mary, you are the Model of Right Speech. Help me to avoid idle gossip as well as intemperate words. Let me make use of right speech to communicate with and help others rather than confuse and hurt them.

52 Practical/Scientific Reasons to go to Church...besides the obvious ones.

Reason No. 14 - Higher Self-Esteem Among Teens

There is evidence to show that teens that have grown up attending church tend to have a better self-image than those without religious commitment.

The Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion published a study by C.B. Smith, A.J. Weigert, and D.L. Thomas in 1979 on this subject.

The analysis of nearly 2,000 Catholic "middle class" adolescents from five cultures in Europe and North America showed strong evidence for a "positive relationship between adolescent self-esteem and total religiosity." The study measured religious beliefs and practices, including church attendance.

Source:Smith, C.B., A.J. Weigert, and D.L. Thomas, "Self-Esteem and Religiosity: An Analysis of Catholic Adolescents from Five Cultures,” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 18 (1979): 51-60.

Used with permission. All rights reserved, ACTA Publications.

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